Dear gentlemen,
Today I show you my box of Frostgrave soldiers. 20 superb miniature with
a lot of options and accessories.
Apart from regular frostgrave games, they will appear in future
oldhammer campaigns and are common types in our RPG campaigns. You know, the
lantern and the rope are truly vintage dungeon crawlers...
I am completely in love with the Frostgrave miniatures and with that wonderful
company which is North Star miniatures. I am the happy owner of several boxes
from Frostgrave and Oathmark but today only the soldiers:
Infantrymen. Seriously, a common human can wield such a huge sword?
Men at arms
Trackers and a treasure hunter
Credits: The miniatures are those from the Frostgrave soldier’s box. The
archers and the trackers have some metal parts sold by North Star to convert these
soldiers into Sherwood outlaws. The transfers are from citadel's bretonnian
The tuffs on the bases is from The Army Painter
(winter tuffs) and the snow is done according this tutorial.
Veig que t'has sumat a la carrera armamentística amb les ballestes, molt bé la neu