Monday, February 18, 2019

Frostgrave Soldiers

Dear gentlemen,

Today I show you my box of Frostgrave soldiers. 20 superb miniature with a lot of options and accessories. 

Apart from regular frostgrave games, they will appear in future oldhammer campaigns and are common types in our RPG campaigns. You know, the lantern and the rope are truly vintage dungeon crawlers...

I am completely in love with the Frostgrave miniatures and with that wonderful company which is North Star miniatures. I am the happy owner of several boxes from Frostgrave and Oathmark but today only the soldiers:

Infantrymen. Seriously, a common human can wield such a huge sword?



Men at arms


Trackers and a treasure hunter

Credits: The miniatures are those from the Frostgrave soldier’s box. The archers and the trackers have some metal parts sold by North Star to convert these soldiers into Sherwood outlaws. The transfers are from citadel's bretonnian range.
The tuffs on the bases is from The Army Painter (winter tuffs) and the snow is done according this tutorial.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Farm fields and other scenery

Today I post some scenery I've been building.
It will be used in a forthcoming Oldhammer mini-campaign I'm preparing called The growing of Golluth's Whaag!

First: Some farm fields. Great results with little work and resources. Just check the TerrainTutor videos for really easy and cool ideas.

Second: The stone walls from Warlord Games/Italeri. Really usefull for both historic and fantasy wargames.

An finally The Rough Inn from the Wrahammer Townscape buildings (nº15). I have the complete set in pdf and I'm slowlly working on all the buildings. Cool buildings for a vintage feel.

Sorry for the dark pictures but it was late at night and I didn' have a lot of time.

Thanks for looking

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Frostgrave Sigilist warband

Dear gentlemen,

Today I show you my first Frostgrave warband. It's a Sigilist, Master Aemon and his apprentice Samwell. They were supposed to look for Valyria but at the end they finished in Frostgrave. Maybe that's why they have never won any combat in the ruins of Feldstad. They are a little bit confused.

In any case they sailed from Westeros accompanied by Jon (the captain) and three explorers: Grenn, Pyp and Satin.

Sometimes also Ghost appears. Well anytime is summoned between combats.

 The miniatures are Games Workshop (LOTR range) and Reaper: Iltheus, young wizard (03212) and Dire wolves (02415)