Friday, April 12, 2019

A group dwarfs travelling to the Ered Luin

Bifur, Bofur and Bombur have heart that the Durin's folk are preparing something to recover their past splendour. It also seems thar Tharkun himself can be involved.
With this idea in mind they have left their homes and their people to join the expedition. They are not part of Durin's tribe but nowadays there are not a lot of dwarves so are sure they will receive a warm welcome...

The miniatures are from Oathmark except for the horse which comes from Ral Partha Europe range.
Bombur is the metal tets dwarf used as a model and is huge (so Bombur is the option) the other two dwarves are plastic Oathmark infantry with no conversions at all. The only thing is the backpack in Bifur (that comes from the Frostgrave soldiers box) and the walking stick that is a cut down spear from the dwarf infantry box. 

Thanks for looking!

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