Thursday, September 15, 2016

Small oldschool project on the horizon

Yesterday I received a parcel from Foundry. 

It contained these two beautiful packs:

Empirical Absolution and Liquidation Squat with some old arbites/Judge Dredd/Inquisitor models and a pack of two fishmen that were given to the people that went to an oldhammer tournament a couple of years ago.

You now, living in Spain with 3 kids aged (5,4 and 1) and a full time job it’s kind of difficult to convince your wife that you need to go to the UK for a miniature tournament and to your boss that UK is a really good place to have meetings. So I was a little bit frustrated because I knew that fishmen are a really "must have" for every Rogue Trader player. 

Thanks God, the people at Foundry are really helpful and they had some leftover/recast fishmen for me at 5€. The first step towards a new Inquisimunda/Rogue Trader project has begun.